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How our typical day schedule looks like ...

Day Schedule for Parents

7:30 - 8:30 
dropping kids off
8:30 - 5:00 
making a lot of interesting and important things
picking up happy kids


Day Schedule for Kids

7:30 - 8:30

let another happy day at child care begin


8:30 - 9:00

let's have a breakfast to have a lot of energy


9:00 - 10:15

learn by playing activities


10:15 - 10:30

light snack


10:30 - 12:00

outdoor activities (weather permitting)


12:00 - 12:30

"I ran out of energy" - lunch time


12:30 - 1:00

reading club


1:00 - 3:00

nap - "Let's dream about far far away lands"


3:00 - 3:15

light snack


3:15 - 4:45

play by learning activities with break for dinner


4:00 - 4:15



4:45 - 5:30

waiting for parents to tell them what a wonderful day was today


Please, call/text/e-mail for details.




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